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Accessible Spaces and Events

Truly Accessible Spaces: Designing WITH Disabled Organizers

Presented on June 16, 2018 at the Allied Media Conference

Table of contents

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  1. Presentation slides
  2. Accessibility resources
  3. Organizers you can hire
  4. Seating layout example

Session overview

"Truly Accessible Spaces: Designing WITH Disabled Organizers" was part presentation and part group discussion:

  • Intro & avoiding ableism
  • What makes a space accessible?
    • Kick-off discussion
    • Decolonization
    • Food and drink
      • Discussion: food and drink at events
    • Large-scale events: conferences, conventions, multi-day events
      • Giving people space (emotionally, mentally, and physically)
      • Discussion: how do you design for content accessibility?
    • Handling safety
  • How do I put this into practice?

Presentation slides are now available (view-only) and include audience discussions from the Allied Media Conference. Image descriptions and additional context are in the presenter notes section.

Accessibility resources

Note that these are meant more as starting points rather than 100% comprehensive guides, as disability is a wide spectrum and accessibility has to be an ongoing process.

Disabled community organizers you can hire

Example of an accessible seating layout

When thinking about spaces, you should ensure that people can comfortably enter, exit, and navigate around. This is one drawn-on-the-fly example of how you might accessibly arrange a single room for presentations, though it is highly specific to the particular room that our session was in, and we’d strongly recommend digitizing layouts for easier viewing and editing. Note that access lanes and entrances should be at minimum 3.5 feet wide.

About the Authors

Elea Chang and Melissa Chavez organize things, have professional opinions about accessibility, and wrote slightly longer biographies on Affect’s about page.